VortexHealing® Awakening Stories

Truly beautiful. For me, there are no words at this time, just a state of being.

This awakening to Divinity movement was the most intense shift release I've ever experienced so far within 19 yrs of the VortexHealing lineage ... literally incredible, into and through the deepest pain, and death. For me it was a long, long drawn out process of dying, but the breakthrough is more than I can have ever imagined or have words for, everything has shifted on all levels of being ... I'm just so blown away ... wow!

My Awakening to Divinity experience is sheer amazement at experiencing reality in a way I never imagined existed. I now "spontaneously" break out into meditation; which used to be something that was deliberate and not my norm. Even if I never go further, I would feel very satisfied with what I have right now.

Wow to the beauty and utter heart opening of Original Veil and then Awakening to Divinity. I'm often moved to tears by the tender, brilliant beauty of this life - in its many forms. My heart feels blown open -- to the beauty, love, heartbreak, fragility - but really to the immense love of Life - this Divinity in Form... in myself and everything around me... It feels powerful, expansive and deeply intimate - like I'm touching in on some precious gift. I feel this newfound sense of devotion and with that, a desire to serve and care for Life in its many forms.

A memorable moment for me occurred the day before the [awakening] movement during the meditation where 'God whispered its secret name into our hearts'. I felt like my heart was being squeezed and broken open in an exquisite and somewhat painful way. It was as if I was beginning to sense the pure light of the Divine cracking through and it highlighted all the pain of eons and eons of separation. I was beginning to recognize That as me but still from a place of separation. It was very emotional for me and I found myself crying through most of that meditation.

The next day when the Awakening to Divinity movement occurred, it began with that same sense of unbelievable divine light breaking through my heart. I felt the same powerful emotions well up as I recognized that I had only ever been That, everything has only ever been That. I really had the sense of the Divine overtake me as that light permeated my whole being. I was amazed at how quickly this extraordinary experience became ordinary. It was like, "Oh yeah, it's only ever been That. How funny."

Since then I've become very aware of my heart space. It feels as though light is continuously pouring through and I can more easily tune into the interconnectedness of everything. One morning a few days after the movement I woke up to feel EVERYTHING surging with divine energy. There was no 'I' in this experience and I don't even know where I was referencing this from. The sheer power of it was extraordinary. On a day-today basis, there is an underlying peace and joy that wasn't there before. Life unfolds, things happen, conditioning is there but this greater Truth pervades everything else.